Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Peer Response #2

Shelby’s blog compared two online articles about the public smoking ban. I think this is a very important topic and should be discussed. She compares an article that supports the smoking ban with a story of her cousin who died from secondhand smoke to an article that lists three strong reasons why smoking in public places should not be banned.

The first article, “Why smoking in public places should be banned,” conveys to the reader that there should be a smoking ban because it disrupts and can hurt other nonsmokers. Smoking can cause cancer and be harmful to the human body. The author’s cousin died from cancer caused by smoke. This article helped support Shelby’s stance on the smoking ban because it portrayed a realistic effect of smoking.

The article that disagreed with the smoking ban, “Why ban smoking in public?: Arguments against” lists three arguments that refute the ban. The article argues that it is the smoker’s rights to smoke in designated public places for smoking and that people have stressful lives which gives them the right to smoke.

My opinion, like Shelby’s, was not changed after reading both articles. I am not a smoker so I have no desire to smoke. Secondhand smoke is also very harmful to people so I support the ban. However, I think this article, “Big drop in heart attacks after smoking bans, studies say” is much more effective at supporting the ban on smoking. The other article gives an example of a true story of the effects of smoking and secondhand smoke. This article gives strong points and factual data that confirms smoking is unhealthy for you. I think this article is more convincing than the other article because it provides factually supported information

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