Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Demonstration speech self-evaluation

My demonstration speech was how to fold the American flag. After watching and seeing my speech from the audience’s perspective, there are some aspects to my speech that I would have changed and there are also strong areas in my speech that I would not change.

The informational content to my speech was beneficial in answering why Americans should know how to fold the American flag. The history of the American flag added to the importance of it in the history of the US and the honor the flag should be given. The steps on how to fold the flag were easy to follow but could have been described better. Holding the flag up in between steps would have helped demonstrate what was done during the last step.

My physical presence during my speech needed the most improvement. I spoke very fast during my entire speech. In order to improve my speech I need to slow down and not rush what I am saying. This made my speech under the five minute mark. Because I spoke so fast some of my words are hard to hear. This made it difficult to understand what I was saying during the introduction of my speech. The strengths of my physical presence would be my volume and eye contact. I looked up at the audience often during my speech and I spoke loud enough for everyone to hear.

I would do the same presentation again. I think it was very interesting and my visual aid was large enough for everyone to see. I would speak much slower so everyone could understand what I was saying. I would fold the flag again so everyone would be able to see again how to fold the flag.

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