Sunday, April 25, 2010

Peer Response #4

Marijuana, a psychotropic drug, is the most illegally used drug in the United States. Great debates have ensued over its legality. Proponents of legalizing marijuana argue that it is a right to be able to choose to use marijuana or not. Opponents state that the use of marijuana can lead to stronger, more powerful drugs and can cause many psychological difficulties. Mike Sorenson’s blog compares the opposing sides to this debate.

The first article Mike uses lists different reasons why marijuana should be legal. The main point this article brings forth is that alcohol and tobacco are legal and so should marijuana. It argues that marijuana is much less dangerous than tobacco and alcohol and because those two substances are legal then so should marijuana. If marijuana became legal the government would have saved millions of dollars that has been used to arrest people with marijuana.

The second article Mike writes about opposes legalizing marijuana. This article says that marijuana is addictive and can lead to other drugs and therefore should be illegal. Marijuana has many psychological effects on the human body and can be very detrimental. Proponents to marijuana argue that it has many medical uses to relieve pain for patients. However, many other drugs can achieve the same effect.

The second article made many more points to support their side. Each of the points had factual information supporting reasons why marijuana should be illegal. I agree with Mike in that marijuana should remain illegal. The first article was not very persuasive because it didn’t have any data supporting its side.

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